Who Are We

In mid 2021 a group of long-time friends got together in the heart of Amish Country in Ohio USA. Passionate about crypto and blockchain and possessing a wide variety of skills, these friends dreamed of creating a better coin. They were frustrated with all the rug-pulls, the bad projects, the poorly designed tokens, and especially the dishonest teams with no transparency and overly large marketing wallets or team taxes that they had seen in the crypto community.

They dreamed of a token where no one could ever own a controlling supply. Where the entire tokenomics structure was not built to benefit the team first, but built to benefit the token itself first and foremost. Maybe even a token with a built-in tax benefitting the fantastic charities that work to make a difference in the world. A coin that makes a positive impact in our world and on the investors’ lives! Thus Amish Coin came into being.